La Nutritionniste

Crafting a visual identity always carries big responsibilities. Logos, icons, typography, illustrations–they all communicate specific meanings depending on their appearance and send a detailed message about the entity they represent (whether it’s a physical person or a company).

Elisa is a Lausanne-based nutritionnist. When developing her studio and services, she needed a visual identity and an e-commerce website. She contacted me after seeing what I created for Kegelness.

However, she already knew what aesthetic she wanted to embody. “Play with letters and let lines be symbolic”, she instructed.

La Nutritionniste was born.

For her “Tridimensional Approach”, we worked on custom, themed illustrations showcasing the progress over three steps. The assets were fundamental in helping patients know how far they had come in the nutrition program, and motivating them to keep momentum going.

Client:Elisa Pucci

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